Are you considering collaboration with my travel blog?

What a great idea! is one of the fastest-growing and best SEO-optimized travel blogs in Poland.

In 2022, the blog was visited 1,988,595 times by 1,737,068 readers. I would need 6,894 Dreamliner planes to transport all readers of the blog.

Your brand or region you represent can benefit from being in the pages of

Contact me for more details:

Why is it worth working with me? is a project that allows partners to be present in a wide variety of online channels: blog profiles on social media, newsletter, during travel lectures, webinars and live interviews and, of course, in the pages of a very blog itself.

Over 1,100,000 blog views in 2021 and 1,988,595 views in 2022 prove that the content is well-tailored to readers’ needs and perfectly optimized in terms of SEO.

I am the winner of the second place in the 3rd Tourist Blogger Championships – the contest organized by Polish Tourism Organization.

More than 60 travel blogs participated in  the above-mentioned contest. I represented the area of Lower Silesia in the Tourist Blogger Championships.

Excellent SEO optimization of blog articles is a critical asset that I offer to my partners. My blog posts occupy the leading positions in Google search results for many different keywords related to sightseeing, attractions and available experiences in a given place.

More than 26.9 million views and 1.37 million hits on Google (2022)

SEO is not the blog’s only asset, however. The blog’s social media channels and newsletter have already accumulated over 35,000 regular followers. The community is committed to the blog’s life and willingly uses my suggestions of travel destinations.

Who are the recipients of the blog content?

Among the readers of my blog you can find people from diversified environments with main mutual passion – travelling is a vital part of their lives.

Readers are interested in self-planned trips. On a blog, they search for practical information and tips that will allow them to plan a journey from A to Z, usually without using the services of travel agencies or with only a little help.


Who has cooperated with me so far?

I am proud to announce that none of my exisitng collaborations ended at one time experience. We have established long-term business contacts with all our partners which continue to this day. I think it may be similar with your brand. Some of my partners are listed below.

The blog’s natural partners are companies and organizations that represent the following industries:

  • Hotels, recreation facilities;
  • Touristic organization of cities, regions and countries;
  • Photography, film and consumer electronics;
  • Outdoor and tourist equipment;
  • Rail, road and air transport;
  • Financial and insurance brands;
  • Productivity, time and management tools,
  • Producers and distributors of coffee, yerba mate and other drinks (I like experimenting with new flavours)

If your company does not belong to any of these groups – feel free to contact me. Together, we will consider available options.

How can we cooperate?

Narrating stories about travelling requires a lot of creativity. I will approach our cooperation with the same dose of creativity. The basic condition is that your product or service has to be of value to readers.  I will never recommend anything on my blog which I am not likely to make use of myself. So what can we do together?

Strategic partenership
This is the most mature form of collaboration which creates a unique relationship with your brand or region with the blog. Great things can come out of such a partnership.
Patronised articles
I will prepare an article in cooperation with you in which I will credibly tell about your service or product and show how to use it while travelling.
Travelling lectures
I love talking to people and I can do it very well. I will conduct lectures, webinars, lives on Instagram or other stationary events adjusted to your target group.
Reviews of amusements
I will visit the place advised by you, I will use the service offered by you or I will stay overnight in your facility. I will prepare reviews and attractive photos for the blog and social media.
Social media content
I will prepare content for Facebook, Instagram in which your products, services or region will appear. I will take care of their attactive presentation and I will build community involvement.
Patronised trips
I will go to the place advised by you. I will prepare an extensive article about it with good photos. I will support it with an efficient camapign in social media.
I will take good-quality photos of your product, service, event in a selected (by you) place in the world. What about a portrait session in an inspiring place?
Preparation of travel plans
I am happy to organize a dream trip for you or for employees from your company. I will take care of good amusements, efficient transport and cost optimization.
Haven’t you found anything?
Creative people never run out of ideas. If you have not found anything for yourself on the above-mentioned list – feel free to contact me. Together, we will come up with something empowering.

Media about me

Apart from travel lectures, I also talk about my travel in national and local media. You can find a couple of selected mentions about the blog in the links provided below:

Let’s discuss what we can create together

A real conversation cannot be replaced by any sort of description. During the conversation we can exchange ideas regarding cooperation of the blog with your brand, service or region you want to promote.

Feel free to contact me via e-mail: and share your ideas with me. For sure, we will find some solution for the best marketing campaign for you.

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